Pupil Leadership Team
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The pupil leaders at St. Mary's school work alongside our Headteacher Mrs Cerqua to support in implementing and reviewing school improvements. They have a very important roles to play as heads of our school and are nominated by all school members at the start of their Year 6 journey. Such activities our pupils leaders are involved in include;
Attending Governing body meetings
Regular meetings with Mrs Cerqua
Holding termly Senedd meetings
Attending pupil voice group meetings
welcoming new members of our school community
contributing to our school development plan
Hosting open days for new families
Giving tours of our school for families and other visitors
Completing jobs given by Mrs Cerqua
Being role models to their fellow pupils
Pupil Senedd
Disgybl senedd
Our pupil leaders run termly senedd meetings alongside Mrs Cerqua and their fellow Year 6 pupil voice group representatives. During these meetings pupil leaders update everyone on activities completed within all pupil voice groups that term. Following our termly senedd our pupil leaders then feedback to the whole school during an assembly.