Mr Francis Tindall
Vice Chair
Cllr Paul Pavia
Foundation Governors
Fr Michael St Clair Cllr Paul Pavia Mr Vincent Hughes Mrs Angela Evans
Mrs Vikki Breese
Mrs Cerqua
LA Appointed
Mrs Parsons
Parent Representative
Miss Hignell
Community Council
Cllr Tudor Griffiths
Staff Representative
Mrs Angela Robbins
Teacher Representative
Mrs Kirsty Stevenson
Sporting Predictions has raised just shy of £700 for the St Mary's Governor Fund over the past two years; this year Governors are very keen to work alongside the PTA in funding some capital projects for the school which will be announced as and when firm plans are in place.
By popular demand Sporting Predictions 2025 has just been launched . The entry fee remains at £10 - half the fees collected will go to the Governors Fund and the other half to the prize pot which will be distributed amongst three lucky winners. All you have to do is look at the 25 questions (linked here) covering a range of sporting events during the next calendar year, complete the form and return it with your entry fee to the school office by no later than 28 January 2025. There is plenty of time to discuss your answers or share your views with family and friends. Better still why not ask them to support this worthy cause. Church parishioners and friends are supporting this challenge, so this year I am looking for more support from school families and friends. The more support we receive the more we can invest in your children's future .
Thank you